Thursday, January 2, 2020

Should You Partner with a Lawyer SEO Specialist? 

You know that search engine optimization (SEO) is important to the strength and growth of your firm, but you might wonder if you can do it alone or whether you should work with an SEO team.  Partnerships are usually good for business these days. When you work with someone who truly understands SEO, you will likely achieve a better result when it comes to ranking your law firm.  Sure, you could probably implement some SEO elements on your own, but you won’t be able to maintain your site, keep up with changes in SEO, continue to write and optimize content for your site, and perform all of the other various tasks your SEO company does for you.

What Does an SEO Company Do for You?

Many people don’t realize how much an SEO company does. Your SEO team can design and maintain your website, which is a huge task on its own. They will also continue to write content for your website and for offsite publishing, which is important for obtaining backlinks that boost your SEO. Your SEO team can handle your social media accounts and run pay-per-click (PPC) ads for you when they’re needed. Your SEO company will keep up with SEO changes and continue to implement them on your site and in all new content that gets published. They will work to get you relevant backlinks that help your site rank. In addition, your SEO team keeps your profile current on various legal directories and other business profiles that are important for getting you leads.

Call an SEO Company for Help

SEO companies perform a great many tasks for you. It’s unlikely you could ever spend the amount of time and energy on ranking your firm that your SEO team does. Plus, your team knows SEO like you know the law. Call ApricotLaw at 877-203-0751 or visit our website to learn more about how we can help your firm rank.